AA Khichipur Jalandhar

Independence day celebrated in akal academy khichipur

Activity for independence day

15th August is a red letter day in the history of india. Many freedom fighters scarified their lives for getting freedom. History is replete with glorious examples of true patriotism. A person who does not live his motherland is no better than a piece of stone or a log of wood. how should we honor our patriots? the best way is to understand their teachings and follow them in our lives. This day reminds the Indians of the great struggle which Bal, Pal, Lat and Vir Savakar undertook heroically.

Under the supervision of Principal Madam Independence day was celebrated in our academy on 14th August 2018. Students presented beautiful programme including action song, hindi and English speeches, poems in Punjabi, hindi and English. students of class 4th organized quiz competition regarding Independence day. Sweets was distributed among students. The function was closed with the National Anthem.

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