AA Khichipur Jalandhar

Inter house competition Spelling Bee

On 18.08.18 , Inter house Competition of Spelling Bee was organized under the supervision of Principal Madam in the Academy. All the four houses participated . It is a Game to test the knowledge of the students. A list of words has been already prepared by the teacher. 1st, 2ns, 3rd and 4th , all these classes showed their best performance . Important instructions were given to the students. necessary arrangement was done with help of group D members. Spellings were asked from the students of all the houses. Winners were encouraged and losers were not discouraged. All the students were prepared by their teachers to face both aspects. Position of all the houses was like this:
1st – Abhay House
2nd – Amul House
3rd – Ajay House
4th Atul House.

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