Written by Akal Events



                         COL DR. RAJINDER JI,DR. N. L. GUPTA AND DR. MADHAV ON 12th of april , 2020 AT 11 AM

Group meeting was started by Dr. Rajinder ji introducing Drug Addiction problem in details to all present patients, nursing staff and counsellors. Dr. Rajinderji appealed centre patients to talk about their drug addiction as well as experience at centre.

Each patient one by one narrated his excruciating problem by giving detailed account like how he started drugs, how drug peddlers initially provided free and later when in withdrawals started making them to lie, rob, steal or do criminal acts to get money ,give it to them for supply of drugs. Later this became a vicious circle and patient became trapped turning himself into drug addict. Further this ruined relationships with parents and other family members. Drug addiction gradually also took toll upon studies and or their work. Career, Family, Life and Health was ruined by drugs. There was dead end with no hopes. Then there was light at the end of tunnel…Baru Sahib. Though some patients had bad, unsuccessful previous Drug De-addiction Center Experience, now AKAL DRUG DE-ADDICTION CENTER & REHABILITATION CENTER BARU SAHIB was only hope. Each Patient had initially apprehensions but with caring Staff, Doctors, Counsellors this disappeared very fast and patient overcame craving, withdrawals and improved in their physical, mental conditions gaining strength, confidence to be off drugs. Also Spiritual measures –prayers. Music. Yoga, Meditations, Sports and creative activities  helped them significantly in achieving drug recovery. All patients thanked Akal Drug De-addiction Center, Nursing Staff, Doctors for making them drug free giving New Drug Free Life.

At the end of meeting Dr. Rajinder ji, Dr. Nand Lal Gupta, Dr. Madhav summarized drug de-addiction problem and recovery as:

Col Dr. Rajinder Singh/Director: “In company of evil crows, feathers of Gughi –a symbol of love and peace never become black but definitely its heart becomes black!”

Dr.Nand laL Gupta: “The most important thing for recovery from drug is SELF ANALYSIS & REALIZATION and to prevent relapse SANYAM!”

Dr. Madhav:”Once NO to drugs, forever NO!”


In gratitude to ADDAC Director Dr. Rajinder ji, Doctors, Nursing Staff, Attendants, Counsellors, Security Staff, Kalgidhar Trust patients have given following messages for their care, successful treatment at Akal Drug De-addiction Centre, Baru Sahib:

“Once you have decided not to have drugs, then never go for them”

“There are never free drugs. Its trap by crooked drug peddlers. Never fall prey to this trap otherwise your life will be finished!”

“Drugs  ruin not only drug addicts but even their sisters, wives, mothers, daughters…all care takers women! Save them”

‘Drugs kill career, life, relationships. Never have drugs in life!”

“Drugs start as fun seeking thing and  very fast take toll upon body, mind turning person into useless beings!”


Inspirational/Motivational Speech by Female Drug Addict Patient for Male Drug addict Patients Of Akal drug De-addiction Center, Baru Sahib


Mrs._________________/32 years/Female Patient Of Akal Drug De-addiction Center ,Baru Sahib /Resident Of Punjab/Medical Graduate receiving treatment for Chronic Alcohol Dependence was suggested to share her Addiction and Treatment experience with Male Patients of ADDAC by Dr.Rajinderji/Director of ADDAC .

On 12th april at 11 am in presence of Dr.Rajinderji, Dr.Nand lal Gupta, Counsellor, Nursing Staff and all 15 male patients of ADDAC.

Dr.______________ started her story of Alcohol Dependence by introducing herself. She told that she had completed her Medical Education MBBS with top marks but after that in the company of her  friends she started various types of alcohol beverages. Gradually she became addict and started having alcohol daily. This ruined her relationship with parents. There were quarrels, disputes at home. She had got admission for Post Graduate Medical studies in pathology and wanted to become a successful Medical Specialist like her parents but due to Alcoholism she couldn’t continue her PG studies ,had to drop in final year. Her career was blocked. She  got married but couldn’t have happy marriage due to alcoholism. In short her career, life got devastated due to Addiction. She tried to quit alcohol but couldn’t. She attempted couple of Rehabilitation Centres in Punjab but couldn’t recover from Alcohol De-addiction. Finally with last ray of hope, she landed at Akal Drug De-addiction Centre , Baru Sahib.

Centre Discipline:

Dr._______________was very stubborn and arguementative , unwilling for admission ,treatment. She  had 4 phones and was reluctant  to give them to Nursing Staff. Centre gradually disciplined her and she became compliant to treatment by following discipline.


Dr.____________ found  overcoming withdrawals very smooth, less difficult. Further she found treatment very beneficial to come out of addiction


Dr._________________found not only medicines but counselling by Dr.Nand lal Gupta and Kiran Sehrawat very useful in transforming her self.

Spiritual Influence:

Besides medicines, counselling Dr.______________found Baru Sahib, its Gurdwara and Sikh Prayers, Readings (SIKH FATH BY BABA IQBAL SINGHJI)having amazing, wonderful effect on her mind, body, soul giving her magnificient NEW LIFE!


Dr.____________________ concluded her speech in gratitude to all of ADDAC and told to all that DRUGS ARE KILLERS,NEVER GO FOR DRUGS!

Dr.Rajinderji thanked Dr._____________for her enlightening speech which was really inspiring for all male patients. Further Dr.Rajinderji told that this was special that of a kind speech which  was given by a Female Drug Addict patient to Male Patients at Drug De-addiction & Rehabilitation Centre in India.

All present in the meeting thanked Dr.____________.


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