AA Manoli Surat Mohali

Baisakhi Celebration and Other Competitions

Written by Akal Events

“Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji ki Fateh”
With the blessings of “Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji” and under the guidance of our respected Principal Ma’am and teachers.

The festival of joy and abundance (Baisakhi) was celebrated by students, teachers and non-teaching staff in the premises of A.A. Manoli Surat with great enthusiasm on 13-04-2022.
The following activities were conducted:

  • The Sukhmani Sahib Path was done by the students and teachers.
  • Poem recitation
  • Speeches by students and teachers
  • Shabad recitation
  • Inspirational quotes
  • Dastar Bandi

Winners of the ‘Dastar Bandi Competition’ individually: First Position Vajinder Singh (Grade 8th) Abhai H. and Gurbaaz Singh (Grade 10th) Amul H., Second Position Karanpreet Singh (Grade 8th) Ajai H., Third Position Amrinder Singh (7th Grade) Abhai H., Kamaljeet Singh (Grade 9th) Ajai H., Manjot Singh (Grade 8th) Atul H.
Points of the 4 houses
Abhai House: 134
Ajai House: 137.5
Amul: 119.5
Atul: 80.5
All the learners were very excited and full in motion in all the above mentioned activities, particularly in the ‘Dastar Bandi Competition’. They were very grateful to the management for conducting the above mentioned activities for their holistic development.

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