AA Server Khuyian Fazilka

Celebration of Baisakhi Competition

Written by Akal Events
BAISAKHI , a festival of rich cultural heritage and profound significance, marks the onset  of a new harvest season and symbolizes the spirit of rejuvenation and prosperity. Akal Academy, khuian Sarwar conducted a special essembly on this event.
(a)  The students highlighted the cutural and religious significance of the festival through KESH SAMBHAL, DASTAR BANDI, POEM  RECITATION  and GATKA.
(b) DASTAR BANDI Competition was held in keeping the Sikhi intact among the young generation.
(c) All the students participated enthusiastically exhibiting their skills of teing a Dastar.
(d) The dastar is considered an integral part of the unique Sikh Identity.
(e) Prize distribution ceremony was held on the next day of Baisakhi Celebration
(f) Respected Principal Mam distributed prizes to the winner of the respective Competition.


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