AA Cholang Jalandhar

Counselling Activity

Written by Akal Events

Counselling Activity

Frequent counselling session are arranged for the understanding and
 guidance of the students.Students gain a lot of benefits from these
 productive sessions. 


An activity based on friendship was organised for the students of 
Grades 3rd to 5th. In this session, students were motivated to talk
 about their best friend. After summerising their responses, teacher 
appreciated them and she make them aware about true friendship.
Alongwith this our Princiapl Ma'am appreciated all students for their 


In the Counselling session for Grades 6th to 8th, students were 
given knowledge about the act of Bullying and they were encouraged 
to stop bullying in the school premises. During this session,
students performed an activity, in groups, based on Bullying.
It was really appreciated by the Principal Ma'am.


During the counselling session for the students of Grades 6th to 8th,
 an activity based on Empathy was performed.Through this activity 
 the students were taught how to understand the feelings of
 other's and how to help others if they are in need.
 This act encourages the feelings of well being and satisfaction 
among the students.

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