AA Dakra Sahib Panchkula

CBP Program

Written by Akal Events

CBP Program

Teachers Professional Development program by CBSE : Capacity Building Program conducted in A A Dakra Sahib

Topic: Career and Counseling
Akal Academy Dakra Sahib
Hosted by: Akal Academy Dakra Sahib
Participant schools: AADS & KVM ( Total 54 Teachers have participated)
Timing: 9:00am to 5:00pm
*Topic: Career Guidance*
Resource Persons:
1. Ms Ranjna Bhardwaj (Vice Principal)
2. Ms Pallavi Bhardwaj (Vice Principal)
A two-day Capacity Building Programme (CBP) was organized by our academy, Akal Academy Dakra Sahib for the Teachers, teaching the recently introduced New Career Options in its School Library under the aegis of the CBSE Training Programme that facilitates and enhances the learning of its faculty.
 Resource persons guided the teachers about the various emerging professions such as naturalists , therapists , researchers etc.
The workshop was well attended and well conducted, with around 54 teachers drawn from the leading schools of Raipur Rani Town in Panchkula. Ms Ranjna Bhardwaj (Vice Principal -Vivek International School)  Ms Pallavi Bhardwaj (Vice Principal St. Vivekananda School)   was such a dynamic personality and brought in energy, enthusiasm and innovative skills into the programme .
The programme was nicely divided and spread over two days with exclusive focus on the NEED ANALYSIS CAREERS for Day- 1 and DIMENSIONS OF CAREER INFORMATION for Day -2. All the participants were actively involved in the program.
In short, it was a well-conducted, well-organized and a truly appreciated two-day session of CAREER AND GUIDANCE.
We thank our Academy Principal ma’am and our Management for providing such opportunities in the rural area school.

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