AA Holi (Brara) Ambala

Tiger Day Activity

Tiger Day Activity

Akal Academy, Holi (Barara)

Tiger Day Activity

Date :30 July,2024
Day : Tuesday
Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an annual
celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on
29 July. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit
in Russia. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for
protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness
and support for tiger conservation issues. International Tiger Day has
been shown to be effective in increasing online awareness on tigers
through information search.
The school also organized art and craft activities for students aimed at
generating awareness about the need to save tigers. Overall, students
acknowledged that tigers have a special place on the planet and in our
lives and we must do all that we can to protect them.

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