AA Tibber Gurdaspur

Inter House Quiz Competition and Mock parliament

Written by Akal Events

Activities -Inter House Quiz Competition and Mock parliament
Date – 3rd August 2024
Department – Social Science

On 3rd of August 2024 Akal Academy Tibber organised two different activities of
social science department .They were inter house Quiz Competition for grades 1 to
Mock Parliament for classes 6 to 8 and 9 to 12 on topics' Know Your Country','Digital
India 'and
' Budget 2024-25 'respectively. These activities were conducted by the concerned
members of the department on their particular floors.
The students were very enthusiastic about all these activities and took part in them
with the same spirits . We had very active audience also.

At last the Principal mam Ms.Gurvinder Kaur addressed the audience , declared the
result of Quiz Competition and appreciated the participants .

Ms. Ravinder Kaur
HOD of Social Science Department


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