AA Holi (Brara) Ambala

Independence Day Celebration

Written by Akal Events

Akal Academy Holi Barara
Independence Day Celebration

DATE- 13August, 2024
DAY- Tuesday
The Independence Day has a great importance in every citizen's life.
This day reminds us every year that freedom is sacred and citizens must
do everything to ensure that it shall not be endangered. Independence
Day promotes Nationalism and Patriotism towards the nation. It is one
of the great days everyone remembers the sacrifices made by our
freedom fighters to get Independence. It teaches everyone to know the
importance of Independence. We should be proud and promise that we
will be full of honesty and patriotism to protect our India from any kind
of insult and attack.
Akal Academy, Holi Barara celebrated Independence Day with great
passion and enthusiasm. The morning assembly was held in the school
field at 9:30 am. At first, the flag hoisting was done with National
Anthem followed by the National song. Students participated in Parade .
Kindergaten students participated in Patriotic Dance . They recited
Patriotic rhymes . They brought tricolour food also.

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