AA Tibber Gurdaspur

Investiture Ceremony

Written by Akal Events

The Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2024-25

The Investiture Ceremony for the academic session 2024-25 was held with great pomp
and dignity at Akal Academy Tibber on 02.09.2024.

The ceremony was held with zeal and enthusiasm. It was commenced with the
recitation of shabad.

The elected Head Girl Parampreet Kaur and Head boy Daljit Singh introduced
themselves. After that whole student council were conferred with badges and sashes by
the Respected Principal Ms. Gurvinder Kaur and House Incharges.

The student council took the pledge to hold the school motto in high esteem.

Respected Principal Ms. Gurvinder Kaur congratulated students and addressed them
to be impartial and honest in leadership, unity, discipline and morality.

The function concluded with national anthem !!!

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