AA Bilga Jalandhar

Awarenes about Dengue

Written by Akal Events

Awarenes about Dengue

Dengue is a disease transmitted by the bite of an infected Aedes
mosquito and caused by a virus. Under Supervision of Dr Kamaljit
Kaur Senior Medical officer of PHC Bilga  the team of doctors with
Tarlochan Singh Health Supervisor ,Surinderpal Health
Supervisor , Neha ANM,Asha worker and Breeding Checkers of
PHC Bilga visited Akal Academy Bilga on 25th October 2024 for
this noble cause to spread awareness about Dengue. Prevention
is better than cure so it is important to know the cause and
prevention to keep our students and our family members safe.
The team shared valuable information which includes what is
Denge,how it spreads,what are the preventive measures, its

symptoms and its cure.

Their queries were answered by Dr. Kamaljit Kaur Senior Medical
officer. This sort of awareness is important for all of us .

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