AA Holi (Brara) Ambala

Interactive Science Event

Written by Akal Events

Interactive Science Event

Date:-5 July,2024
Akal Academy Holi, Barara School recently hosted a fun and engaging Science event featuring
the Circus of Science Vigyan Ka Jantar Mantar organization. Through a series of interactive
experiments, students explored fascinating Scientific concepts like Bernoulli's theorem,
Newton's laws of Motion, Surface Tension, and Momentum.
This event aimed to spark curiosity and promote Scientific thinking among Students in a
captivating way. By participating in these experiments, Students gained a deeper understanding
of these Scientific Principles through firsthand experience.
Here's a glimpse into the exciting science concepts covered during the event:
* Bernoulli's theorem : This principle explains how pressure relates to the flow of fluids.
Students might have observed how a stream of air curves around a wing or experimented with
pipes to understand this concept.
*Newton's laws of Motion: These fundamental laws describe the relationship between Force,
Mass, and Acceleration. Activities likely involved illustrating inertia, momentum, and the action-
reaction force pair.
Surface Tension : This property of liquids allows them to resist external forces. Students might
have seen a flour sieve to explore this concept.
Momentum : This concept relates the Mass and Velocity of a moving object. Experiments
involving collisions between objects might have been conducted to demonstrate the transfer of
This event at Akal Academy Holi Barara School was a successful endeavor in making Science
learning enjoyable and interactive for Students. By fostering a spirit of exploration and inquiry,
such events can nurture a passion for Science among young minds.

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