AA Holi (Brara) Ambala

Body Parts and Bottle Activity

Body Parts and Bottle Activity

Akal Academy, Holi (Barara)
Body Parts and Bottle Activity

Date:-8 August,2024
Day:- Thursday
This activity offers your child the opportunity to practice key
executive function skills, such as following instructions,
controlling reactions, and recalling information.
In this activity, your child will stand across from you and play a
game where they touch their head, shoulders, knees, or toes
based on what you say. Harder levels involve doing the
opposite of what you say or identifying other body parts. A big
mixer! Without much preparation!
Everyone finds a partner. Place a plastic bottle equal distance
between each partner.
Your leader random shouts out:
Head ,Shoulders, Knees and other body parts
As you name each body part, the participants place both hands
on the head etc.
When you say bottle, they compete to grab it. Winner finds
another winner.

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