AA Dialpura Mirza Bathinda

“Children learn best by doing

Written by Akal Events
“Children learn best by doing, by experiencing, by exploring, and by being actively involved in their learning.”

Enhancing Early Learning Through Activity-Based Approaches

Pre-primary students thrived in an environment rich with activity-based learning, showcasing its effectiveness in fostering holistic development. Activities like “Frog Jumping” and “Backward Counting” games promoted physical coordination and numerical understanding, respectively. Creative endeavors such as handprint painting nurtured imagination and fine motor skills, while “What I Want to Be” encouraged language development and aspirational thinking.

The “Color Sorting” activity enhanced observational and cognitive skills, encouraging students to identify and differentiate colors.

Overall, these activities not only stimulated cognitive development but also fostered a collaborative and playful learning environment. The integration of play and exploration laid a strong foundation for future academic success, demonstrating the power of activity-based learning in pre-primary education.  

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