AA Bhunsla Kaithal

Measles and Rubella vaccination camp

Measles and Rubella are highly contagious viral diseases that are spread by contact with an infected person through coughing and sneezing. With an aim to eliminate measles and control of congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) in the country ,A.A. Bhunsla extended its support to this district – level vaccination compaign. More than 350 students were vaccinated by the team of doctors appointed of the local medical administration under the WHO norms in two days .
Many parents accompanied their wards while they were vaccinated and stayed with them in the observation room for some time as well .The team 0f trained doctors /vaccinators used autodisposable syringes for the vaccination of each child .These syringes are rendered non –usable after a single use .The whole compaign was run successfully under the vigilance of the class teachers and the school doctor .The children and their parents supported the cause whole –heartedly and their smiles said it all .

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