AA Bilga Jalandhar

Sehaj Path Recitation

By God Grace Shri  Sehaj path was started  at AA Bilga last year by the teachers and students . it was started  with the co- operation of Bhai Jatinder Singh  and by the motivation of S. Dilbag Singh ji SHS Sanstha. On __________________ Sehaj path  was completed and by the students  Prabhjot Kaur, Komalpreet Kaur, Rajwinder Kaur, Navjot Kaur, Prabhjot Singh of  grade-XII and by teachers Kamaljit Kaur and Amandeep Kaur. After completing path  medals and certificates were distributed  to students and teachers. Principal Harpreet Kaur Sahni  congratulated  the students.

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