AA Khichipur Jalandhar

Prakash Purab – Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the religious scripture of Sikhism. The first Prakash of Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji was celebrated on Sept 1st,1604. Now all celebrated 514th Prakash purab. Guru Arjan Dev Ji installed Adi Granth in Amritsar at Harmandir Sahib ji in 1604. Baba Budha ji was  the first Granthi and Bhai Gurdas ji completed Adi Granth Sahib ji as it was dictated by Shri Guru Arjan dev Ji in 1604. Later Guru Gobind Singh Ji adds Shabads of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji and then in 1708, Adi Granth became Guru Granth Sahib ji, the Eternal Guru  of Sikhs as declared by Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

On 23rd April 2018 ,Prakash Purab was organized in the Academy. All the students assembled and sat on durries. After completing Nitnem, poems were recited and kawishari were sung by the students. After Ardas , Deg of Krah Prashad was distributed . The guests who were invited to attend this beautiful programme appreciated it very much. Side by side Mrs. Manpreet Kaur (Music Teacher) told the importance of Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji to the students. The programme was fantastic. The whole programme was held under supervision of our worthy Principal.

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