Akal Academy Baru Sahib

All 3 tournaments for girls at A.A Baru Sahib(Basketball, Football and Hockey)

The finals of 15th Sant Attar Singh Memorial Hockey Tournament & 9th Sant Teja Singh Memorial Basket Ball Tournament and 7th Inter Academy Football Tournament for Girls held at Baru Sahib yesterday. A total of 25 Akal Academies from various states who had won their league matches in their respective were selected for final rounds at Baru Sahib. All the teams played to their best. Akal Academy Baru Sahib and Akal Academy Dhindsa reached the finals of Basket Ball tournament beating Akal Academy Ajitsar Ratia and Akal Academy Puranewala respectively. In the final Akal Academy Baru Sahib beat Akal Academy Dhindsa with the score of 15-7. In Hockey Tournament Akal Academy Baru Sahib and Akal Academy Fatehgarh Channa reached the finals beating their rival teams Akal Academy Bhai Desa and Akal Academy Teja Singh wala respectively. Akal Academy Baru Sahib beat Akal Academy Fatehgarh Channa by score of 9-0. The finals of football tournaments was played between Akal Academy Mander and Akal Academy Balbehra. Akal Academy Mander beat Akal Academy Balbehra by score 3 – 2. The tournaments was special as the girls from rural academies gave outstanding performances which reflected the overall development of these rural girls both in academics and sports activities in Akal Academies established and run by The Kalgidhar Trust Baru Sahib under the guidance of Baba Iqbal Singh JI.

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