AA Ghugg Jalandhar


The 552nd  birth anniversary of Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji was celebrated with great exuberance and devotion at Akal Academy Ghugg on 3rd of November. All students came in school uniform and the participants were dressed in traditional sikh attire. All parents were also invited to become a part of this grand celebration. The function started with the “Parbhat Pheri”, which was performed by Nursery KG students. Then students spoke on the life and teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji making others aware about the life story of great guru ji.

After this, students presented various items like: Mime, in which they criticized the excessive usage of mobile phone. While in street play performers presented a clear picture of rampant usage of plastic in everyday life as well as showed some social evils for example: corruption and pollution. In English play Guru Ji’s Sakhies were presented by this students gave a message of equality and universal brotherhood. Apart from this  poems, kawishri, shabad, we’re recited. All these performances depicted philanthropy and valour of the” Khalsa Panth”.

Speaking on the occasion, school principal Madam Mrs.Sonu sharma while wishing the students a happy GURPURAB impressed upon them that the true religion is humanity .An annual prize distribution was also held on the same day. In this all the achievement Awards were given to the students. These awards were based on academic performance of the students, good English ,Best in uniform, discipline, best handwriting etc.

Thereafter “Langar” was served after Ardaas and Prasad was distributed to all faculty members, sangat and students. At the end, the Gatka was played in the ground by senior students in front of everyone .

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