AA Ranno

Best out of waste

Recycling things is like magic that turns ordinary things into extraordinary.” The three ‘Rs’ stand for: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. They are a part of the waste hierarchy which is used to protect the environment and conserve resources through a priority approach. The aim is to get maximum practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum
of waste. The Best out of Waste simply means to make or to create innovative and attractive things from the material we do not use anymore. In an initiative to generate the habit of using old things to create beautiful crafts among children, a ‘Best Out of Waste Competition’ was recently organized at Akal Academy RANNO for Grade Nur to V students displayed their creative art and craft ideas by making: a teapot and a cup, hat, paper vase, wall hangings, greeting cards, Utility box, toys and paper jewelry and many more. The creativity displayed by the children was mesmerizing. The competition promoted artistic fervour in our leaders of tomorrow.



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