AA Cholang Jalandhar

Investiture Ceremony

Written by Akal Events


  • The Investiture Ceremony was held in Akal Academy Cholang, under the supervision and guidance of Head Mistress,
    Ms. Ravinder Jit Kaur, on 11th May 2024. It is an important occasion where a school entrusts its upcoming leaders with certain goals and responsibilities.
    Different badges were distributed among the emerging leaders such as Class Monitors,
    House Captions, English Spoken Leaders, Head Boy, Head Girl, Sports Captain, House Prefects, etc. Then they were conferred with badges by the Head Mistress. She congratulated all the students who were
    honoured with the badges and reminded them that positions come with responsibilities towards themselves,
    their school and their peers. She advised them to become role model for their peers and juniors.

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