AA Bhai Desa Mansa

World Day for Safety and Health

Written by Akal Events

World Day for Safety and Health at Work was celebrated on April 29, 2024

In a dedicated effort to promote a culture of safety and well-being among its students and staff, Akal Academy Bhai Desa marked the occasion of World Day for Safety and Health at Work with a series of engaging activities aimed at raising awareness and reinforcing best practices in workplace safety.
The day began with a school-wide assembly that served as the focal point for the commemoration. During the assembly, student of class V presented a speech to reflect on the importance of safety and health in the workplace, acknowledging the vital role it plays in ensuring the welfare of individuals across all professions and industries.
The school’s emergency response team led a practical demonstration of an earthquake drill, simulating a seismic event and guiding students and staff through the appropriate safety procedures.
The drill included evacuation procedures, with designated assembly points identified throughout the school premises. Students and staff were instructed on the importance of orderly evacuation and accountability measures to ensure everyone’s safety in the event of an actual emergency.
In the lower grades, activities were designed to facilitate open dialogue and teach students to identify different types of touches, distinguishing between those that are appropriate and those that are not. Through storytelling, role-playing, and interactive games, young learners were encouraged to express their feelings and learn to assert their boundaries confidently.
The proactive approach demonstrated to safeguard the well-being of students and promote a positive school climate where every individual feels valued, respected, and protected.


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