AA Chahal Kalan Nawanshahr

Kho-Kho matches.

Written by Akal Events

Kho-Kho matches.

One of the important goal of our Academy is to develop the physical as well as mental growth of the
students and this can be done with the help of sports.
To fulfill this goal our academy organised the Kho Kho matches from Grade V to VIII on Ist July 2024 in
the school ground.The first match was in between the girls of grade V ,VI and Grade VII ,VIII. The girls
from grade VII and VIII won the match. The next match was in between the boys and the boys from
garde VIII won the match .
All the students gave their best to win . We always appreciate the performance of our students. The
students showed the good leadership qualities and show that if we have spirit to win then nobody can
stop us to achieve the success.

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