AA Holi (Brara) Ambala

Inter House Programme in the memory of Sant Teja Singh Ji Maharaj

Written by Akal Events

Inter House Programme in the memory of Sant Teja

Singh Ji Maharaj

Date- 5 July, 2024
Day- Friday
Akal Academy Holi Barara organised an Inter House Shabad
Kirtan Programme in the memory of Sant Teja Singh Ji
Maharaj on 5 July , 2024.
Sant Teja Singh earlier named Narahjan Singh, was born on 14
May 1877 in a Mahita Khatri .He died at the village of Chima on
3 July l965. Before that he laid seeds for the spirtual centre at
Baru sahib in Himachal Pradesh and a great institution, the
Kalgidhar Society. The Society has already established a large
number of higher secondary schools in the villages of the
Punjab and neighboring states to build world class citizens of
the world with Singh characteristics as preached by our Gurus.
The Society has aimed at 150 such schools to be established in
the coming years. Its Services also include education,
healthcare, social welfare, relief and rehabilitation for people of
rural, backward and remote areas of Northern India.
The students recited shabad, kirtan and poems. They delivered
speeches related to Sant Teja Singh Ji Maharaj

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