AA Dhaliwal Bait

Inter- House Debate Competition

Written by Akal Events

Inter- House Debate Competition

Akal Academy Dhaliwal Bet held its highly anticipated Inter-House Debate Competition for Classes lll – Xll on 20th July, 2024. The event showcased the impressive talents of our students as they engaged in thought provoking debates on pertinent topics.

The competition aimed to foster critical thinking , public speaking skills , and teamwork among our students . The competition involved active participation from four houses within the school.

The topics for the debate were

  1. Complete Privitisation In India.
  2. Animals testing should be done or not?
  3. Should crackers be burnt on occasions or not ? etc.

In the first segment positions are as follows:

1st Abhay House (best participant – Ranyodh Singh Grade IV)

2nd Atul House (best participant – Tajinder Kaur Grade V)

3rd Amul House( best participant – Anmol Singh) and Ajay (best participant – parneet kaur)

 On the other hand, from classes Vl to XII overall positions were as follows:

Atul got the first position, whereas, Ajay secured second  and Amul & Abhay House secured  third position ,respectively.

Almost, all the students participated and presented their views freely and fluently.A couple of slow-bloomers stole the show with their breathtaking views.

All the students from class 3rd to 12th witnessed the event as spectators.

The whole competition lasted for two hours.

The event was a great learning experience and truly a memorable one.

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