AA Ghugg Jalandhar

Activity on spell Bee

Written by Akal Events
Activity on spell Bee for grade 1st to 5th
Spelling activity contribute scholars perform well in school examinations, writing skills, entrance tests. It also boosts their confidence and allow them to speak in front of another people.
Akal Academy Ghugg organised a spell bee activity for grade 1st and 2nd and  3rd to 5th on 24th  August,2024. This activity was conducted in the supervision of our English teacher Mrs. Sukhwinder Kaur and Mrs. Deepika Sharma. Our Respected Principal Mam Mrs. Kuldeep Kaur observed the student’s ability. All students participated in this activity which was conducted in three rounds i.e Spelling round,  identified the picture and spell the spelling of the picture and last round was scramble the unscramble words .All the houses responded very well.
Grade 1st and 2nd
1st – Amul
3rd-Atul and Ajay
Grade 3rd to 5th
1st- Abhay
3rd- Amul
4th – Atul

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