AA Ghugg Jalandhar

Grandparents Day Celebration

Written by Akal Events
*Report on Grandparents Day Celebration*
The Grandparents Day celebration at Akal Academy Ghugg was held on 5th September,2024 with great enthusiasm and joy. The event aimed to honor and appreciate the invaluable role that grandparents play in the lives of students and to strengthen intergenerational bonds within the school community.
The event began with a warm welcome from the school principal ma’am Mrs.Kuldeep Kaur.She expressed gratitude to the grandparents for their ongoing support and
involvement in the students’ lives. children performed songs and dances, which were thoroughly enjoyed by the attendees.
Fun games were organised for the grandparents. They took part energetically and received small prizes.
The event concluded with a light refreshment gathering where grandparents had the opportunity to socialize with other grandparents and school staff.
The event was met with positive feedback from both students and grandparents. Many expressed appreciation for the
opportunity to spend quality time together and to witness the achievements and creativity of the students.
A.A. Ghugg

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