AA Ratolan Sangrur


Written by Akal Events


"Deliberation and debate is the way you stir the soul of our democracy. Debate
Competition, Speech competitions, etc., do hold at the campus on the burning
topics of the times so to increase awareness and knowledge of our students. The
competition saw fierce yet friendly rivalry, with students passionately defending
their positions while maintaining a spirit of mutual respect. A total of 4 teams each
from junior and senior categories participated in the competition, each displaying a
commendable level of preparation and research.
The winners were awarded certificates by the honourable Head Mistress Mrs.
Mandeep Kaur who also delivered an inspiring speech, commending all participants
for their excellent performances and encouraging them to continue developing
their debating and critical thinking skills. The debate competition was a huge
success, fostering a culture of intellectual engagement and collaborative learning
on campus.

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