AA Chahal Kalan Nawanshahr

Hindi Debate competition.

Written by Akal Events

Report on Hindi Debate competition.

Debate competition helps the students to develop the critical thinking, build up
confidence and boost their mental strength and ability. To develop these kind of
important qualities in the students our academy organised an Inter House Hindi
Debate competition on 28th September 2024.
Students from grade V to VIII participated in the competition. The first
competition was in between Ajay and Abhay House from which Abhai house
won the competition by 3 points. Then the second competition was in between
Amul and Atul house from which Amul house won the competition by 2 points.
The topics for the debate were the Advantages of Internet in the education and
the Traditional and modern way of education.
This competition helped the students to develop their public speaking skills and
pronunciation .

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