Akal Academy Gobindpur
Annual Prize Distribution Function
Date : 22.01.25.
Venue: Room No. 15
On 22 nd Jan. 2025, Annual Prize Distribution Function was
organised in AA Gobindpur which was started at 12 noon. In this
program the parents of position holders were invited. Mrs.
Moninderpal Kaur, MCH and Principal of AA CHAK Mander, S.
Rajinder Singh Rai and his wife Mrs. Sampat kaur Rai and Satpal
Singh :- Sarpanch of Gobindpur village were present as chief
guests. The program was started with a beautiful hymn recited by
grade VIII C students. After that grade UKG students recited a very
beautiful poem. Then a speech about the valuable and great
contribution of Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji, Sant Baba Teja Singh Ji
and Sant Baba Iqbal Singh Ji in the establishment and progress of
Akal Academies was delivered by Harashdeep Kaur the student of
grade VIII C . The parents were introduced with the achievements
and the main purpose of Akal Academies thorugh this speech.
Then prizes were distributed to the position holders by chief
guests and Mrs. Prabhjot Gill – Headmistress of our academy. Then
Mrs. Moninderpal Kaur ma’am shared her precious thoughts with
us. After that Mrs. Sampat Kaur Rai shared very worthy and useful
information with students and their parents and advised them to be
a part of these academies by telling them the importance of
studying in Akal Academies. The program was ended at 1:45 pm.
All the present and respected personalities were honoured with
special honours. There was very good arrangement of tea and
snacks for all. The overall program was fine and memorable.