The Republic Day celebrations kindle the feeling of patriotism and brotherhood
which fills our hearts with national pride. The students of the Akal Academy Cheema PSEB
celebrated Republic Day with great pride and honor. The young students paid
their tribute to the martyrs, which reverberated in the hearts of everyone with the
sacrifice and hard work they have put in to build the nation. To mark the event,
Special assembly was organized wherein the students recollected different facts
about Republic Day celebrations. It started with a solemn prayer to the Almighty
and beautiful thought that filled our hearts and minds with love for our nation.
While remembering and paying homage to the heroes who fought to achieve our
freedom, the students also spoke about the importance of this day and the birth of
India as a Republic State. They shared interesting facts about the history and
significance of the event celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm all across
the country. The beautiful presentation of the assembly inspired the students to be
more responsible towards their country and abide by the constitution of their