AA Holi (Brara) Ambala

Mental Maths Quiz

Written by Akal Events

Mental Maths Quiz

Date- 13 July ,2024
Akal Academy Holi, Barara organized an Inter House Maths Quiz
activitity on Saturday i.e. 13 July,2024.. Mathematics gives us a hope
that every problem has a solution. An Inter-House Mathematics Quiz
was to promote Mathematics enthusiasm among students. It was a
successful event that fostered a spirit of healthy competition and
encouraged students to develop their mathematical abilities.
The quiz was divided into three groups:
* Class 1 & 2
* Class 3 to 5
* Class 6 to 10
Each group saw enthusiastic participation from students across
houses. The winners for each group are as follows:
* Class 1 & 2: Atul House
* Class 3 to 5: Ajay House
* Class 6 to 10: Abhay House
Congratulations to the winners and participants for their outstanding


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