Akal Academy Dialpura Mirza celebrated the sacred occasion of Maghi with great devotion and enthusiasm. The event began with the recitation of Barah Maha, filling the atmosphere with spiritual energy and setting the tone for a meaningful celebration. The focus of the event was on the historical significance of the 40 Muktey who sacrificed their lives for the preservation of Sikh principles and their unwavering faith in Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Their bravery and commitment were shared with the students, encouraging them to embody these virtues in their own lives.
After the recitation, Karah Prasad was distributed to all attendees, symbolizing the Guru’s blessings. The staff and students then visited Gurdwara Shri Jand Sahib, where they participated in Shabad Kirtan, creating a serene and divine atmosphere. The Gurdwara management honored the students with Siropas in recognition of their participation and commitment to preserving Sikh heritage.
The celebration was a spiritually enriching experience, deepening the students’ connection to their Sikh roots and instilling a sense of pride and gratitude for the sacrifices of the 40 Muktey. It was a day of unity, devotion, and reflection on the teachings of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.