Akal Academy Dialpura Mirza commemorated the Prakash Gurpurab of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji on January 7, 2025, with a soulful and reverent event. The celebration began with the recitation of Sukhmani Sahib, setting a spiritual tone that pervaded the entire gathering. Students performed various Shabads, highlighting the Guru’s noble character, bravery, sacrifice, and immense knowledge.
The event inspired attendees to embody these virtues and honored the Guru’s contributions to humanity. The students’ performances were a testament to the Guru’s enduring legacy and the values he instilled in his followers. The celebration concluded with the distribution of Kada Prashad, symbolizing unity and sharing in the Guru’s blessings. This poignant gesture reinforced the sense of community and devotion central to his teachings, leaving a lasting impact on all present.