Akal Academy Baru Sahib


DAY 1 Morning

Day 1 Morning Session
The brilliant morning session started by the very ebullient Mrs Manjushree Patil , our main resource person. with a burst of excitement . She carried the entire crowd with her vibrant introduction to the rhythm of education. The interesting starting activities with different layers took the entire crowd by storm. Each and every participant within minutes go hooked on to these vivid activities. The fascinating layers in each of the activities set the ball rolling for the morning.

The spirited warm up action games included checking sound, structural noise, in the general rhythm of learning where “trying is as good as near success.” To make the little children mirror their own success in their own space in a safe free and equal world .

The program itenary of the two days were rolled out.

The morning session ended on the grim and melancholic reminder of the Nirbhaya case which stunned the world Excerpts from the film India ‘s Daughter shook the audience.. SAMANTA was born out of this despair and blob on society. At the very earliest to make little children learn and understand about equality compassion and respect.

Post Lunch Session

To make our babies understand and feel emotional and social connect Samanta has sparkling set of story books with sweet illustrations As Mrs Patil read out from one such book in an enthralling roll play of the characters The use of language & voice modulation being so essential.

The gentle ways to calm down a child in distress or him /her throwing tantrums is all within the grasp of the educators. The numerous story books with specific lesson plans will be the key to make the difference in the children abling and empowering them with problem solving and different mindset in a brave new world.

Post Tea Session

A fascinating experiment by the Japanese scientist Dr Masaru Emoto on water consciousness revolutionized the idea that our thoughts and intensions impact our physical realm.

The participants now sitting in circles were asked for feedback on Day 1of the workshop.

At all times our enthusiastic teachers spoke out relating their take of various topics discussed in the workshop. They were neither self conscious nor hesitant expressing their views.

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